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EDC Minutes 07-24-2013

MADDEN ROOM                                                       WEDNESDAY, July 24, 2013
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Susan Burnham, Louise Neary, Edwina Futtner, Mark Lillis, Linda Jeski, Dwight Johnson, Paul Burnham, Wayne Kilburn, Joseph Kennedy

ABSENT: Bill Jodice, James Murray and Alternates John Mitchell and Gary Waterhouse

ALSO PRESENT: ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash

 1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

  2.    Roll Call: The above mentioned members were introduced.

  3.    Town Manager – Town Manager Matthew Galligan attended the meeting. He will send a memo to EDC Chairperson Burnham with details on the information he is outlining tonight. Mr. Galligan intends for the role of EDC to change and is exploring ways for the Town to better market itself. Marketing proposals include improving the website and creating materials to both inform and remind citizens of all that South Windsor has to offer and another to attract business and industry. Two firms are being considered to conduct marketing-one to attract businesses in a more personal manner by knocking on their doors and making appointments and a second, local business, to create the marketing materials.
A second area increasing the EDC’s involvement in town by sending businesses interested in seeking tax abatement to the commission before having them appear before town council. A company is interested in applying and will most likely be on the agenda for the September meeting. The project is for doctor’s offices and they are interested in three years abatement at fifty percent. There will be several phases in development of their property. In addition, there is a brewery interested in property currently owned by the town. Plans include a tasting room and restaurant.
In an update to an ongoing project, Mr. Galligan informed commissioners that CT Studios’ tax credits will remain. Although changes have been made to credits available from the state, this project will still be eligible for credits because it is a brick and mortar project with developing infrastructure. Power will be via fuel cells through CL&P and the studio is working on a development agreement so that the developer can move forward on loans and property acquisition. Part of this process required the town to look at current and future uses for the land and buildings.
Mr. Galligan is considering the creation of a special tax district for gateway zones and the town center including putting utilities underground and sidewalk construction to help retain the center of town.
Commissioner Neary asked if the tax abatement applications mentioned earlier need to have EDC’s approval before appearing at a council meeting and if a special meeting in September may be required. Mr. Galligan confirmed that a special meeting may be necessary but will leave the details to Ms. Fiveash.
Commissioner Futtner asked about the development of apartments and Mr. Galligan responded that the best group to develop apartments, at best price, etc…, is expected to take 14-15 months to build most of it. The sewer and infrastructure would be shared by the hotel and would be constructed concurrently.
Chariperson Burnham asked about Ms. Fiveash’s role with the increased role of the EDC and Mr. Galligan stated that her role would remain the same.
Commissioner Lillis commented that issues before the council have become political and that the EDC is less politically divisive thus a change back to the original process will be beneficial. Mr. Galligan explained that some businesses, unaware of the proper process, contacted the council directly to apply for abatement but that he is working on getting back to the original process of having abatement applicants appear before the EDC first and the council afterwards.
Chairperson Burnham asked if there is anything new with the post office located nearby. Mr. Galligan stated that one million dollars was put in the budget a few years ago but was taken out to maintain a 0 tax increase. He is currently looking for grants.
Commissioner Burnham asked when Fed Ex is expected to occupy the building and Mr. Galligan responded that it happen near October 1, 2013. Mr. Galligan toured a Fed Ex facility and found it is an amazing operation with lots of personal property, about $25 mil worth.
A traffic light will be installed during the second phase according to the plan by the STC. Commissioner Burnham is concerned about the safety of tandem trucks pulling out onto Kennedy Road. Mr. Galligan stated that Fed Ex requested the light, so it will be installed and will improve safety.
Commissioner Burnham asked about installing signs indicating the Wapping section of town and Commissioner Kennedy replied that because the Wapping post office closed, it lost that designation. Commissioner Burnham then suggested that a ‘Welcome to South Windsor’ sign be installed at the intersection of Sullivan Avenue and Route 5. Mr. Galligan stated that the property where such a sign is to be located could be purchased by All Phase.
Commissioner Burnham expressed his disappoint in the lack of sidewalks near Aldi’s and the recycling center which could then connect to Sullivan Ave. Mr. Galligan explained that  businesses don’t like sidewalks, especially in industrial areas, due to maintenance and the possibility of lawsuits.

 4.    Public Participation

        Peter DeMallie, of Design Professionals, appeared before the commission to inform them of a few items.
The first is a new print visitor’s guide for the Hartford area indicating major shopping centers which includes Evergreen Walk. The guide has updated info on restaurants and lodging located in town. Guides are available from the Central Region Tourism District, online at and are also distributed state wide.
The second is a recent study of the Knowledge Corridor’ which encompasses Hartford, Springfield and New Haven. A publication titled ‘Minds Matter’ is available at and outlines the results of a demographic study & analysis.  This area is big and compares favorably with other areas across the country. Some interesting statistics include:
  • 2.8 mil people
  • 4,000 square miles
  • 1.27 million employed persons
  • 64,000 businesses
  • $58,000 median household income
  • #2 in # of colleges and college students (#1 is Boston)
The third is a business survey (w/CBIA) of four hundred companies listed the biggest business challenges which include a weak economy, decreased consumer spending, tax burdens and shortage of skilled labor. The study projects that in five years the challenges will include: taxes and a workforce shortage (among other items). On a positive note, executives feel positive about the area and its quality of life, proximity of customers, access to major market. One in four businesses plan to expand operations in area and hire additional workers. Of the four hundred fifty business executives surveyed the issues related to transportation include: poor highways-no mass transit, the need for more direct flights. Of those commuting to work, 99% use personal vehicles to get to work and drive commutes of 20 miles or less. Fifty nine percent of the companies are having trouble hiring and retaining qualified employees and this gap is expected to expand.
Commissioner Neary asked if these businesses let schools know about what they are looking for in a workforce? Mr. DeMallie responded that some entities are working on that issue and more.
Commissioner Futtner asked who invests in mass transit and Mr. DeMallie replied that transportation dollars come from the state and federal government here in Connecticut because there is no longer a county form of government.

  5.    Approval of Minutes

Minutes from Regular Meeting on 5/22/2013: A motion was made by Commissioner Jeski and seconded by Commissioner Waterhouse to approve the minutes of May 22, 2013 and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
 6.    Old Business: Chairperson Burnham reminded commissioners of their commitment to volunteering at the 75th anniversary of the SWFD on September 21st. Ms. Fiveash stated that the regularly scheduled September meeting may need to be moved forward in order to decide on any requests for abatement before the next council meeting.

  7.    Committee Report

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Chairperson Burnham stated that the next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 19th at 11 am at Design Professionals. The last meeting was in May. Stats through June include total hits at 24,289 and in just the month of May total visits were over 6,000 hits.

 8.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Sue Burnham, Chairperson: South Windsor was awarded an arts grants from Art Place, a national arts advocacy group. The grant is entitled  ‘Create. Here. Now’ and will provide $500,000 in funds to the town to refurbish spaces for artists and their art.
The International Magnet School for Global Citizenship located at 625 Chapel Road is seventy percent complete. The school will educate students pre-k through grade five and plans to open January 2014. Thirty seven South Windsor students will be able to attend the school.  
Chairman Burnham attended a ribbon cutting for Real Warrior Entertainment which is a training center for wrestling and includes a wrestling ring. The site is available for parties.
Don Cusson of Cusson Automotive held a 25th anniversary celebration.
The original June issue of Hartford Magazine contained incorrect statistical information about South Windsor but has been corrected with a reprint. The August issue of the magazine has an article featuring the town.

Report from Shari Fiveash, Economic Development Coordinator
Ms. Fiveash is currently working on returning the paperwork for the  ‘Create Here Now’ grant. Plans include creating a town center with a light up sign that will be visible at night, installing banners for viewing during daylight and installing sidewalks. Plans also include turning the Priest farm back into a working farm and possibly having farmers market on location. The farmhouse on site may also be used by artists to create art with an agricultural focus.
Ms. Fiveash took part in a meeting about CT Studios (information in the packet handed out tonight). Craig Stevenson also attended and shared information.
There have been seventy five business visits to date but the summer has made it harder to make appointments due to vacations etc…

 9.    New Business: Commissioner Neary informed the commission that she would be unavailable for a September meeting.
Commissioner Lillis let commissioners know that the reigning Ms. USA will be coming to town for an ovarian cancer benefit on September 1st .
10.     General Discussion: None.

11.     Adjournment: A motion to adjourn at 9:13p.m. was made by Commissioner Waterhouse and seconded by Commissioner Jeski and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter
Clerk                                                   Approved: September 25, 2013